
Affichage des articles du 2021

"Trust and Work", Curriculum 2 for South Sudanese Children

  In order to bring healing and peace after Civil War, there is a need to teach about reconciliation and living together in harmony.  Our association GRACE/SOUTH-SOUDAN wants to help for that. This is why we have started to craft illustrated training curriculums, designed for small children.  This second one is named " Trust and Work ".    We thank Caroline Baki for illustrating 7 of these pages ; along with these creations are also some illustrations with no copyrights. Link 

Curriculum pour enfants, volet 2, "Fais confiance et travaille" (Trust and Work)

Un nouveau curriculum de formation pour les enfants du Soudan Du Sud est en ligne !    Réalisé en anglais, il s'intitule "Trust and Work" (fais confiance et travaille).  Il vise à encourager le travail solidaire, à l'aide d'illustrations pour enfants.   Lien



Honey harvest 2021 (récolte de miel)

  To check our honey harvest 2021  Pour voir notre récolte de miel 2021 Link (Flickr)

New honey harvest / Nouvelle récolte de miel (2021)

We thank the Jardin de Pontarcher, SYlvain and Franciszek (on the picture with Naomi) for their precious contribution to our honey project. The 2021 harvest is available !  This honey is produced for the benefit of Grace/Sud-Soudan"s orphanage project. Nous remercions les Jardins de Pontarcher, Sylvain et Franciszek (sur la photo avec Naomi) pour leur précieuse contribution à notre projet Miel. La récolte 2021 est disponible !  Le miel est produit pour contribuer au projet d'orphelinat de Grace / Sud-Soudan

RECONCILIATION in South Sudan: a children's curriculum

As South Sudan is heading toward its 10th anniversary of independance, it is more than ever needed to boost reconciliation on the ground, as a deadly Civil War erupted from the end of 2013 till 2019, leaving many with scars and fears.  This is why our ministry GRACE SUD-SOUDAN , led by Naomi Baki Fath, decided to work on an illustrated curriculum for children, focused on reconciliation. Without community trust, how can PEACE be implemented, and the new generation become confident, focused on solidarity, and prosperous ? This Grace-Sud-Soudan curriculum , already shown and approved in South Sudan since our 2019 trip, is designed for children (who do not always know how t read). We promoted the first part of it in 2018, here is a reminder.... and soon we'll be promoting the second part of the curriculum (to be followed).   Thank you for supporting this project, and helping us to multiply versions of it on ground level in WAU diocese (Bahr el Ghazal), which is the area where we plan

Partenaire avec France Sud-Soudan. Partner with France Sud-Soudan (website)

  Nous rappelons que notre site partenaire France / Sud-Soudan s'est rattaché à l'association Grace / Sud Soudan. Beaucoup de contenus à découvrir sur le Soudan du Sud !  We remind you that our partner, the website France / Sud-Soudan , has joined our association Grace / Sud Soudan. Lots of nice contents to discover about South Sudan !    LINK 

Booster Gift 2021 : our committment to support Gabriel Atem, South-Sudanese student

Is the current pandemic preventing us from going to South Sudan? Yes indeed. But this is not a reason for doing nothing. At our level, we are continuing our commitment alongside the South Sudanese civilian population and are pleased to announce that Operation Booster Gift has taken a new step at the start of this week: After the agreement obtained at the 2020 General Assembly, we have decided to continue our support to Gabriel Atem, a student at the University of Juba, for this year 2021. We are maintaining contact with him, congratulate him on his registration for a new semester of studies and we just sent him 450 euros (via Western Union) to cover his registration fees. He will send us a scan of his results for the previous semester very soon and he warmy asked us to thank the association for this sponsorship.  

Opération Coup de Pouce : soutien renouvelé pour 2021 à Gabriel Atem

La pandémie actuelle nous empêche d'aller au Soudan du Sud ? Ce n'est pas une raison pour ne rien faire. A notre échelle, nous poursuivons notre engagement aux côtés de la population civile sud-soudanaise et avons la joie de vous annoncer que l'opération Coup de Pouce a franchi une nouvelle étape en ce début de semaine :  Après l'accord obtenu à l'Assemblée Générale 2020, nous avons décidé de poursuivre notre soutien à Gabriel Atem, étudiant à l'Université de Juba, pour cette année 2021. Nous maintenons les contacts avec lui, le félicitons pour son inscription à un nouveau semestre d'études et nous venons de lui envoyer 450 euros (via Western Union) pour couvrir ses frais d'inscription. Il nous fera parvenir très bientôt le scan de ses résultats de semestre précédent et nous charge de remercier l'association pour ce parrainage.   

Bonne Année 2021 ! Happy New Year !
